
Friday, 14 February 2014

First day of school

I slip the blanket off me still have asleep i dragged my feet to the bathroom to get ready for the first day off school. I was so excited to go to school but i was still really tried .

When i was ready i grabbed my bag and my morning tea and walked to school. I  was so nervous because i really thought i wasn’t going to be in my friends class.

When Mrs Nua was calling out the classers i was really wishing to be in one of my friends class. When Mrs nua called my name I was really happy because i had one of my friends in my class.Her name is Kevine.

My teacher is Mrs nua and Mr barks and  I am in class I really like this class because we can sit wherever we want and we do fun stuff.

when mr barks comes and takes over mrs nua. We do pe and we do math and it is just a really cool class.Class 1 is the best class because we have the most perfects in

Thursday, 13 February 2014

My personal goals

My Personal Goals - 2014  Date :
My achievement I was most proud of  last year  in the classroom was math
because I really improved my work and it really help me with my decimals and my fraction.
The thing I was most proud of last year outside of the classroom was …  Working on my Dlo because it was really fun because every day we got to do movie making.
In reading my learning goal is to ….remember to stop at the full stops and read carefully
To achieve this goal I need to ….work harder and try my best
In writing  my goal is to but full stop where it is meant to be and but capital letters
To achieve this goal I need to focus on my work and do what i’m told to do
In Maths my goal is to… try my best and work on the time tables and  my addiction and my fraction
The learning area I think I need to improve in most is … outside because we just play around and we don't do what the teacher said.
In my learning my goal this term is to  show ‘Caring’  … to be careing to each other and be kind and if you have to sit next to a boy  just do cause they ain't going to bite you or anythink.

My goal for this year around the classroom is to (behaviour/self management) behavior myself and listen to the teacher when the teacher.
My goal for this year around the school is to …look after little kid when
they are crying and not to push anyone when you are in a rush from running away from your friends
My parents goal for me this Term is …....... to bring them to every think they are supposed to go to.